This week we would like to shine a spotlight on the wonderful Mauro Rocha!
Mauro has been able to donate his time selflessly to the church since his retirement.
When asked why he helps so much, he said, “I’d do anything for the church.” His “anything” includes being head usher for the Saturday Mass, usher for funerals held at the parish, and communion minister to the homebound and ill.
Mauro is called with short notice when the parish receives news that one of our parishioners has passed away. He stands as an usher for the grieving family and is the face of compassion in their time of need. When he travels to bring Jesus to those who cannot come to church, it all becomes worth it when he “sees the joy it brings them to have Communion.” Time and again Mauro has stepped up in service for the parishioners of our parish, and we are blessed to have his service. Thank you, Mauro!