Dear Parish Family,
I would like to make you aware of some changes that will take place in our Music Ministry. First of all, I'm sad to announce that Dr. Leslie Dutton will be ending her time as instrumentalist and cantor of our Saturday evening Mass. Leslie has served faithfully in this role since 2015. She has accepted the invitation to increase her participation in the music ministry of Christ the King Cathedral, where Leslie has served since prior to coming to St. John's. I’m eternally grateful to Leslie, who has served our parish so well and unselfishly. She will always be a beloved member of our parish family, where Leslie was received into the Catholic Faith in 2018. We thank God for her many contributions to our parish and wish Leslie, her husband, Alan, and her son ,Braddon, much happiness. Leslie, "Well done, good and faithful servant!”
Secondly, our St. John's family will bid an affectionate farewell to the leader of our Music Ministry, Dr. Evangeline Jimenez, who is moving to Flagstaff, Arizona to join the Faculty of Northern Arizona University. Beyond leading our music ministry and serving as lead cantor on Sundays since 2015, Evangeline assisted me in creating the administrative structures of our first parish office. This included establishing our system for sacramental records, our parish finances, our first bulletin, our parish website and online stewardship program. Additionally, she made many important logistical contributions to the site development of our property which helped pave the way for the eventual construction of our multi-purpose building. We thank you Eva, for the many ways you have helped our parish grow. You will always hold a special place in our hearts! "Well done, good and faithful servant!"
Lastly, I'd like to thank Alexis Maldonado, for accepting the awesome responsibility of leading our parish Music Ministry beginning in July. Alexis has served as a cantor at our Saturday evening Masses since 2016. She has often commuted to join us on weekends from Canyon where she attended the School of Music at West Texas A&M University. Alexis has also participated in the music ministries of the First Presbyterian Church in Canyon and Christ the King Cathedral Choir. Along with her mom, Angela, Alexis has been a member of our parish since 2015. For some time, she has been responsible for preparing the music guides and assisting with the music selections to correspond to the liturgical seasons and Sunday readings. Thank you, Alexis, for your "yes" to the Lord's call to lead this very important ministry. You, and all of our music ministry members, are a great blessing to our church family. "Well done, good and faithful servant!"
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. David, Pastor
If you feel God is calling you to share your talents as a vocalist or instrumentalist in our parish,
we would love to find a place for you to serve in this ministry!
Please reach out to Alexis Maldanado at:
[email protected]