Dear Parish Family, Christmas is a time of joy and a time of gratitude. We are joyful for the birth of Christ and grateful for all of God’s blessings throughout the course of this past year. As Christmas draws closer and a new year will soon be upon us, I want to take the opportunity to express my thanks for all you have done for St. John the Baptist. Your generosity, sacrificial offerings, and gifts of time, talent and treasure have made it possible for us to become a stable and growing Catholic community. Without families and individuals like you, who make up our parish, there would be no St. John the Baptist Church! As we continue to move forward into the new year, I ask for your continued support and prayers so that God may truly bless our efforts on His behalf. Please know of my prayers for each of you. May the Lord grant you, and yours, a healthy, happy, safe, and peaceful Christmas. And may He watch over all of us and bless us, one and all! Merry Christmas! Father David, Pastor