Fr. John has made some new clarifications on how we are to participate in Mass so that we can all be unified. Prayers of the Faithful. The Prayers of the Faithful are a way for the community to pray for the world, the Church, and those in need. After the Lector recites the prayer, we ask that the Congregation respond, “Lord, hear our prayer,” and not “Lord, hear of our prayers.” At the end, once the Lector proclaims, “In the silence of our hearts, let us add our personal intentions”, then at that time, we can all respond, “Lord, hear our prayers.” When to Sit After Communion. After receiving Communion, you can sit or kneel during the sacred silence period. After Communion has been distributed, the Deacon or Priest will repose the Blessed Sacrament Hosts in the Tabernacle. Then, the Deacon or Priest will cleanse the Principle Chalice (cup). After the Principle Chalice has been cleansed, the Congregation is encouraged to sit. Altar severs and the Deacon may continue to cleanse other vessels on the tables behind the altar, but all can sit once the Principle Cup has been cleansed.