Let’s celebrate the wonderful new milestones happening in the lives of our parishioners!
● Johnny and Diana Rodriguez celebrated their 31st wedding anniversary on June 16th. Johnny first laid eyes on Diana during a quick stop for an ice cream cone at a Dairy Queen that she was working at, and he knew after that meeting that she was the one he wanted to marry. We are glad that God was there for the journey that led you together.
● Laura Zuppanic is the leader of the Summer Youth Faith Fests. Our “God’s Team” event on June 11th was her 5th year to do so. Even the 108° weather, couldn’t stop her from running a fun & faith filled evening that our kids loved. Thank you for all your hard work.
● Bobby & Irene Ramirez convalidated their marriage on June 27th. They have been a couple for over 23 years. We wish you many more years of happiness together.
● Deacon Severo has written a book called, The
Dark Side of Covid-19: Toxic Darkness Gives way to the Light, which is in the process of being published. We will be sure to share when it is hopefully available early next year. We are so proud of Deacon and this accomplishment.
● Zachary Bliss & Kaylann Ramirez were married in an intimate setting at our church on June 12th. May your love grow stronger each and every passing year.
● Brothers, Raphael & Killian Villarreal, were baptized on June 26th. Their proud parents are Gabino & Adrianna Villarreal. We wish you and your family all of God's grace and love with this special sacrament.
● Betty & John Hall celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary on June 19th. They had known each other through work, but it only took about 5 months of dating before Betty was walking down the aisle on their wedding day. We are glad that the short courtship has turned into decades of love and devotion.