Attention! May 14/15 will be our final weekend to stream online our regular Sunday Mass video.
Now that the Bishop has ended the dispensation to attend Mass in person, we will no longer be recording or streaming our regular Sunday weekend Masses. We are excited to have everyone come together in person again to celebrate the Eucharistic feast.
At the beginning of the pandemic, Trey Albus and George Esquivel volunteered their time and talents to make sure that we were able to stay connected through recorded Masses during a time when all churches were closed to parishioners attending Mass in person.
Since then, they have faithfully live-streamed our Masses online for those who were not able to attend Mass. We know this required many sacrifices from them and their families.
We are so grateful for
their dedication to our parish!
And for all parishioners who joined us in Mass through viewing these videos, thank you for your kind comments and for taking the time to watch our Mass.